About Me

Hello, I am Benjamin Maugain, Delivery Director at Cyber-Duck, based in Watford, UK. With 20 years experience, I have a proven track record for taking complex problems and turning them into slick and successful web solutions.

Area of focus

Project/Programme Management

Project/Programme Management

Develop, enhance, monitor and ensure consistent use of Project and Programme Management methodologies

Product Management

Product Management

Strategic planning, roadmap and management of multiple teams and workstreams. Strategic objectives and tactical activities.

E2E Delivery

E2E Delivery

Own and ensure E2E Project Life Cycle is updated, implemented, continually improved and aligned with cross-department processes.

Continual improvement

Continual improvement

Continual improvement to optimise the business workflow. Facilitate ISO process with OFI, NC and PRA.

" He is a fantastic person to work with and has a huge array of great skills. His approach to project management and his technical prowess were definitely key to successfully deploying our major projects together. "

Honors & awards

BIMA 100

BIMA 100

The British Interactive Media Association (BIMA) is Britain's digital community and one of the most widely respected names in the digital industy. BIMA 100 recognised the Top 100 people in digital each year.

Wirehive – Techie of the year

Wirehive – Techie of the year

"Awesome. Great multidisciplinarian, covering lots of complex projects. Plus, somehow still has time to push the industry forwards. Incredibly impressive. Works way above the call of duty."

Baclays Hackathon winner

Baclays Hackathon winner

Participants were challenged to ideate and create products that could help shape the future of FinTech. Our team combined Barclays’ APIs with an innovative Internet of Things concept that the judges loved.


University of Hertfordshire - Agile Consultant

Other interests

Martial Arts

Martial Arts

Trail running / Mountaineering

Trail running / Mountaineering

